Thursday, August 18, 2011

Driving to Gross Morne........

I did make it here. I am in Rocky Harbour DAY 1.. Rug camp has started and we had our first class earlier this evening. Driving back from Kildevil  to Rocky Harbour was a bit longer than I thought. I may have to leave before dark tomorrow . Lots of moose out this way and I don't want to meet one. We did see a fox outside our class window......A few around here ...........So it will be seascapes ,sky and hills tomorrow......Lots of hills around here and curvy roads..........I love the views .........must take a few pictures to post............


  1. Yes... put some pictures up please.

  2. glad you arrived okay. yes, be sure and watch out for wildlife. look forward to pics.see you next week. pudge says hi
